It’s been a while but wanted to do a positive update! I got through the financial issues I was having thanks to the federal stimulus. I even bought my car off lease so no more car payments! The past year has been something, but I’m fully vaccinated now and we’re just starting to get out into the world again. Of course the kids still can’t get theirs but it won’t be long until it’s only 2 out of 3. I’ll plan to add more later…
“I’m starting to think ‘Hindsight is 20/20’ was a warning for our future” It’s been bad. Mainly with the Covid. It’s a weird world it there. It’s got an effect, a blanket, on (almost) everyone. Things are quieter, despite having to speak up to be heard behind a mask. I’m currently without power just seeping electrons into substance. I needed an update, there ought to be something said about it. I feel repetitive, the same days over and over, I leave once a week to go to the grocery store. I can’t describe the difference in feeling in the world…
It’s Renewal Time
That time of year where I renew the site and wonder what I’m doing with it. Nothing really, it just sits with no updates. There’s quite a lot to get into since it’s been so long I guess I could start at the current pandemic. So the current situation is very unique. Everyone is told to be inside since Covid 19 is running rampant. Social distancing is a thing, it means to keep at least 3 to 6 feet away from people when out and about. The particles of cough or spit can travel a great distance and it’s thought…
Thoughts While AFK
If I want to listen to Paranoid Android, why Spotify, would I want to listen to Interpol. You should know my age by now. No, bad Spotify! Also music related, has Pitbull purchased stock in makers of Fireball whiskey? It’s become a thing and then I hear his song which makes me wonder which came first. The song even breaks down”we are bringing it back” …or maybe he invested in Prilosec. One of the side effects of not only the night of ill repute (6/4-6/5) but the afternoon of attempted mitigation (6/7) was poison ivy/something. I know what to look…
Back to Basics
I have spent 6 months of Elder Scrolls Online-ing. It ended last night. Because of the solitary game mentality that subscription games give me I have not played much else. As it ended yesterday I’ve been looking through my available collection, and because my physical collection is packed at the moment — that leaves Steam and any other digital versions of games I have. I’ve been trying to revisit some games played, but not completed. Well, Tomb Raider is completed but still had the save where I was going back to get all the little shiny jimmies. It’s SO pretty…
Back On The Trail
It felt good to get back on the bike today. It wasn’t the first time but it was the first real ride this season, in several seasons, really. Last week some time I had hooked up the bike trailer for the kid and we drove around a bit but we stuck to the pavement (for the most part) and apparently it was still “real bumpy”. So today I did an honest to goodness trek through the woods. Eased into the water drinking (I tend to get carried away and go too much / too cold too soon) regulated that well…
Updates of Drafts From Long Ago
Oh goodness, one or two of those drafts were actually published, some on purpose but there’s another that I didn’t exactly mean to. It’s up now though, so lets just hope no one reads that one until it’s fallen back into the history again. I found one particular incident that I feel I need closure on. I recently met back up with a former roommate online – so I have a way to ask about this incident. It may bring all the feelings back, but I’d like to think she’s in a similar place as I am now. We have…
Live Streaming – Offline: Watch the first snow of the season hit Western MA
Streaming Live by Ustream [update 9:06 EST] All told it’s still snowing. They say about 6 to 12″ overall. The roads were horrible earlier. If they don’t get to plowing and it freezes like this it’s going to be one harrowing ride for many a low riding civic. We took one of the back roads home and many many trees were down the whole way. One stretch had the tree down over power lines, but in all cases the road was passable. Thank goodness but I’ll take mother nature’s dangers over the stupidity of first-snowsnorm-of-the-season drivers, any day. We had…
Going back in time…
I once had a whole archive of everything I had ever typed to my blog. I lost it in an unfortunate disk accident with my hosting provider. I never did get it back since much of it was never pulled into Blogger’s servers. Once they converted to the new template everything pulled and I was able to import that here, but that still only brought me back to 2008. I had set up in 2001 – October, probably about now. There was a lot going on in my head after 9/11 – but I wanted to wait long enough…
What’s New
I’m blown away by this power, I can seamlessly integrate all my tiny little portals of interaction, bookmarking, favorites, and otherwise unconnected stuff and put it all right here. I’ve got my twitter, my digg, my youtube favorites (I also have my user page but I pretty much post anything on here I figure is worth it) anything that I ever give a thumbs up to on the internet is here. I am still working on a way to add my scrolling links but it’s kind of impractical without a larger space to drop it. Since most of the links…
>lame – blogger stopped allowing ftp publishing so I was trying to find a way around it – not too much luck so far, looking into an alternate way. I’m sad I haven’t been able to publish anything lately, and don’t like that my text is no longer stored on my server. I’m going to try and get something going again, I’ve got lots to share, and facebook is very unpermanant for my tastes
Rainy Morning
I woke early this morning, a cold rainy November day. It wasn’t out of preference, there’s a big change to the phone system at work today. It was still very dark, cold, and I could hear the rain pouring down outside. I didn’t have to go into the office, which is great, a much better way to do work on the Saturday. Besides, making important business decisions in pajamas and disheveled hair always makes me feel good. I’m scheduled to stop by Bryans to assist with the brew today and hoping we can resolve this issue in enough time to…
Gavin pt 1
Those 4 days went by slowly. I went to work on Monday but that night had Nicole feeling very anxious about the baby’s arrival. I worked from home on Tuesday expecting we’d be going in at any time but I worked through the entire day without much incident. Nicole was tired, very pregnant and a couple days past her due date so anything seemed like it could be the time. We went food shopping because we finally had to. We had been avoiding because we didn’t want things to spoil if we had the baby and didn’t get back to…
Another Year or So…
This year’s birthday spoils:– iPod Nano– Novint Falcon– NFS Undercover– BF2142 Deluxe (for the living room PC) I ended up working half a day today, spent the 2nd half being productive and hanging out with the dog. I went and got my winter tires off the car, I think we’re safe for snow. If it comes now I just won’t go anywhere 🙂I spent that time waiting listening to my iPod – I was totally that guy in the store with the iPod on. I meandered around Home Depot, looking at some bathroom stuff, and I found a fence I…
>Back to School
>I start school on Monday – already hopped online to get a peek at the workload. I stuck with 1 major class and 1 short class this semester to start out. I would like to have an idea of the workload so I can plan for the following semesters. I’m taking Science and Technology in Western Culture as well as Planning and Finalizing the Degree. I can also get college credit for real world experience which ought to start me off with about 16 credits + the 12 from the bit of college I started. I really can’t say how…
>Spring Cleaning
>We’ve been cleaning the house this weekend, and as I was vacuuming I wondered if I was nesting. I don’t think so, I think it’s cooincidental with spring cleaning time. I tend to hoard over the winter and then do an overhaul in the spring. I try not to stay inside in the summer, so less likely to dirty it up again and it stays relatively neat until the fall / winter when the whole process can start over again. It feels good to have things picked up though. We finally got around to hanging a lot of artwork /…
2 Weeks of Josh
After a long time of being unable to find a chance to hang with anyone the past 2 weeks have been great. I think I can finally hunker down and maybe do some work. After seeing what Justin has been able to do with his free time, I’m inspired. It started two weeks ago when I was able to finally get together with Josh & Katie, of course Nicole had a previous engagement she realized after we made the plans but that was fine, still time to go grab something to eat first. Note to self:: the Eastside Grill in…
>BioShock – EtchASketch Style Sooooo much to blog: weddings So first there was my own wedding… then then Justin’s… and now Jon’s on Saturday. baby Not mine, Matt and Jenn had a baby – Charlotte is the baby’s name and she’s my new niece!Of course everyone wants to talk about the young recently married couple’s plans for children… undoubtedly comes up in any conversation within a given square footage of any given newborn, but for the moment (most of) the spotlight has shifted…“Before we’re 30” is the basic mantra, but who knows. I was amazed at how small the baby…
>Big Update
>So the opposite of not much happening has been happening – I’m wishing now I kept up on the posting. I’m going to have a hole in the whole “just got my first house” period. Most of the reason I keep a blog is for my own recollection. It’s not very good on it’s own, so throw a couple pictures and paragraphs together and I have a much better recollection. Just this weekend:– friday ~ I had off to get a tooth pulled. I actually had the gas/IV and it was awesome. It was considered “a luxery” by my insurance,…