Dirt started as a rally racing game, hence the name. It had a really good model… no turbo, relatively realistic driving physics, and decent graphics. They kept expanding into the other genres, such as Gymkhana, stadium, and others. Dirt 2 was a pretty good success, and Dirt 3 came out relatively quietly – most received their copy as an afterthought when buying a new ATI video card. I thought they’ve been good the whole way, they really didn’t add too much craziness, which is refreshing. Simulation racing is hard to come by, and Shift 2 didn’t do it any favors.…
The Gooey Incident 1
Originally drafted 2004 07 03 – leads to the other draft >Carletta yelled at me tonight. She seemed increasingly pissed. When she first picked up the brush in her room she said 8 dollars, then by the time she was washing it off she said it was 40 dollars. I’m sure I’d estimate high if it were me too… and that’s something you just can’t wash away so I understand. (though I’m trying my best with the “Se7ens” jeans =]~ ) Yeah, a good batch by a drunk Josh — and I couldn’t tell ya what happened. Sat down on…
The Gooey Incident 2
Originally drafted 2004 07 03 – again, we seem to have several entries that all tie into the same incident >I made a big kahooie. There was this thing with a big mess and my drunken-self, and things I ruined because of it… very expensive things. Whats a guy to do, I need to make good on it – live up to it. I’m trying my best to make it better but after apolgizing and sending a letter of recognition of my stupidness I still get this mad vibe. I can live with that, but when it starts getting confusing…
They Gooey Incident 3 – previously “The Downward Spiral”
Originally drafted 2004 07 09 – same issue first look at my head not turning itself off and prognosticating what was to come >All I can think about is this crap with Carletta. I don’t know where this will stop, it certainly keeps going in my head. If she causes Allison to move out, I’m finished. Unless I can get someone else to live here I’m going to have to move out if both of them move out. I don’t have any friends left if they’re all mad at me and there’s only Scott living here. I think Scott would…
The Gooey Incident 4
Orignally drafted on 2004 07 14 – not published due to the sensitivity of the emotional turmoil. It would have actually made the situation worse, so I withheld it. Still keeping this in draft for a while… >Carletta just popped in, like a tornado just pops in. She grabbed her Futon, who knows where she’s headed. I’d figure to Ren’s house but wonder if she’s giving the bed to Allen. She seemed to make a pivitol decision once Allen came back. He was there that night at Alibis. He helped her move the futon. Ren would never help her do…
Sum Sum Summa Time
It is days like this that remind me that summer is just as much a gaming season as winter. I avoid the polarization and increase my gaming repertoire. There are several new titles as of late, and I have played a few of them. Here are my general impressions: Diablo III – Yes, you’ve heard it bandied about. It’s set the record and beyond. If you don’t have it, a friend does – 3.5 million on the first day and that does NOT include the 1.2 million Blizzard drummed up with their WoW promotion, NOR the millions in the Korean…
Review: Call of Juarez: The Cartel
It’s really as bad as you’ve heard. From the very first screen you are alerted to its crappiness. The text itself is circa Mortal Kombat – giant and pixellated. It looks so dated. It really feels like a modern Sega CD – it hardly even looks 3D. I barely got through the first level. I bought it for $5 – shipped from the UK for the amazing price of $2.49 – gotta love Amazon. I figured there must be at least SOME saving grace, story, anything. From what i saw the story tries really hard to be in depth (remember,…
The Witcher 2 – 3D Vision – 1920×1080 recorded SBS with Fraps – YouTube
This probobly won’t work through the embed, but you should be able to click it to go to youtube to watch it there. I haven’t had any luck, I’ve done all the checks, the instructions, walkthroughs everything. HTML5 can’t find 3D hardware (IE, Chrome, & the preferred Firefox) so I end up looking at the same thing you see here:
Double Standards
Originally drafted 2004 09 06: >”I thought we were on a month to month basis…” So was I — month to month equals 30 days notice. How would you feel if I told you that you had to be out by the end of the week? It’s common courtesy to give 30 days notice, on top of the fact that I would need to give him 30 days notice. Previous house mates moving out had led to discussions, and Scott assured me he would give me such a courtesy. Telling me on the 27th hardly constitutes any notice, let alone…
Statement of Doing
originally drafted August 2004 editors note: 2012 05 03 not sure how all this panned out but it certainly got worse before it got better This is draft — personal rambling. I’m sick of being fucked with. – mind games – guilt trips Not going to deal with shitty people, going to start telling them to their face. People take me as too nice, it was always “just easier” for me to say nothing… things would always brighten up after that. People get to know me, know that it’s usually the way and decide to take advantage of it. I…
Updates of Drafts From Long Ago
Oh goodness, one or two of those drafts were actually published, some on purpose but there’s another that I didn’t exactly mean to. It’s up now though, so lets just hope no one reads that one until it’s fallen back into the history again. I found one particular incident that I feel I need closure on. I recently met back up with a former roommate online – so I have a way to ask about this incident. It may bring all the feelings back, but I’d like to think she’s in a similar place as I am now. We have…
>Tracy’s 21st Birthday
Originally drafted 2004 05 23: >Went out to Framingham last night for Tracy’s 21st birthday. It was quite the experience. The original plan was to check out the strip club, then the club club, then maybe a few bars. I don’t think Justin allocated enough time in the night. Tracy’s friend Jen was with her when they arrived home from shopping. Tracy had grabbed a new outfit from Deb, or Rave, or one of those stores. When she came out, she was all popping out and I said something about it. “Thats how she likes it” – Justin said, Tracy…
Reflecting on “Threes Company”
Originally drafted 2004 07 15: >I just watched an episode of 3s company and I had to write this quote. Krissy’s father the minister came to visit, was all angry that Jack was living there… “I wanted to bring you home so you would be surrounded by people who love you. Well you don’t need to come home… you are home.” You form a bond with the people you live with. You have to care about someone in order to get along with them well enough to live with them. Thats what being home is all about, being surrounded by…
Feeling Alive in NH
Originally drafted 2004 08 13 running up the mountain, then down it again… I felt like I could do anything. I wanted to run more. This is regarding the hike up the mountain in NH I did with Justin. Nicole did not come with me, but I remember telling her about it when I got home from that trip. Ticket from the ranger, lots of drinking. It was an old fashioned good time. I got to hand it to him, I wouldn’t have had half my adventures without that guy.
BOA not quite DOA
I believe this was from when I worked as a contractor at various NE Bank of America locations upgrading their computers. Originally drafted: 2005 01 04 >Anyone else see a problem with where I’m working tonight? And just in case the link is broken.
>Win 7 Configuration
Originally Drafted: 2009 11 14 >Finally got it up and running…[Details Forthcoming…]
SLi – Double V
Originally drafted August 2006: If you’re not a geek you have not heard about SLi. Even if you are a geek you may not have heard about QuadSLi. BFG fit 2 graphics cards on 1 PCIEx interface, allowing those who don’t have SLi to get SLi performance, and those that do have SLi to get QuadSLi performance. In order to take advantage of the image quality these cards allow, you need a big frikken monitor, but you will be gaming like never before if you have the money. Quad SLi – Where it Stands **2012 05 02** So a note…