Try these two playlists from Spotify: Music in My Collection Music I’d like to Hear
ICEnhancer 2.1 Final
icenhancer 2.1 1040 has been released! [Download] ICELaGlacE Official Site More to come… [ screenshots ] Nothing too impressive yet – just updated smaa to fxaa, we’ll see if there’s an obvious difference. There was a major need for some sort of aliasing, made all the more apparent by the light. Night is pretty in its own right, but don’t lose your headlights. Make sure to catch the sunrise over the beach!
My 6-year-old Judges Books by the Covers, from No Exit to 50 Shades of Grey
What is No Exit About? “Momma, what’s this book about?” That is a question that I hear every time we go to our local bookstore as my very curious six-year-old daughter picks up eye-catching books from various sections from fiction to biographies to psychology. My family spends a fair amount time in bookstores, so this is a query I’ve become accustomed to hearing and one I try my darndest to answer (but really, how does one explain James Joyce’s Ulysses to a six-year-old?). Read More… [My 6-year-old Judges Books by the Covers – Strollerderby].
Stop With the Online!
You’ve read this article before, and you’ve probably experienced some level of frustration at the hands of copy protection at some point, be it music, movies, or games. I don’t know what you’ve been up to either, if you haven’t. This subject is fresh in my mind, and I chose to revisit it because Ubisoft ruined my afternoon. I only get a small window to game with children sometimes, and that window was just wasted in an attempt to play what is among the worst games ever made.
Review: The Sims Medieval
I’ve played Sims 3 in the past. I enjoyed building the character up for a while, establishing relationships and such, but I quickly grew tired of the annoying need to eat, pee and sleep. Of course, I was pregnant with twins at the time, so this was probably more troublesome to me than the average player – too much like reality! So why did I try this game in the first place? Well, honestly because there is an expansion pack called Pirates and Nobles. I’m a sucker for pirates so it caught my interest. Throw in the fact that reviewers…
Video: Motion Capture of Ellen Page for Beyond: Two Souls
Check out this video where they get all Motion Captury with Ellen Page. I didn’t realize they went through all this trouble for video game cut scenes but now I realize why it’s gotten so much more realistic.
No Cats?: The First Picture Uploaded To The Internet
The first picture uploaded to the internet| Geekologie
Music: Girl Talk
I searched all my archives, but it doesn’t appear that I had previously posted this anywhere here. It’s not exactly hot off the presses but if you haven’t heard it, check it out: It is phenomenal, and after mentioning it to someone on fb this evening I was reinvigorated by it. The iPad can’t deal with zip files so I couldn’t download it locally but it’s on my google music (play) so streaming it down. Gotta love the audio background ability they finally added to ios. Totally grooving out to it and going to listen more tomorrow. I believe it…
GTA – Are you ready for The updated ICE?
He’s been hard at work, and the installer is ready to go. The updated version of iCE. Enhancer for GTA4 will be out next week. One again we visit what you’ll need. I am prepared. I have GTA reinstalled fresh. Here’s what you need to do the same: Do a new install if you have an old one hanging around (this includes the RSSC), then get your system ready with the 1.04 patch. You may also want to add some fresh car models (see below) and I highly recommend this realistic handling by killatomate and reVO, you shouldn’t need to…
Review: Max Payne 3
Whew. That’s a rush. I just got done playing through my first hour of Max Payne 3 and I feel… stimulated, enthralled, and defeated. I had to stop playing though. There is only so many times you can replay the same section after repeatedly accidentally bullet-time-ing off the side of a building. I’ll revisit another night. I’m sad that I didn’t get any good screenshots or video, however. I must say it plays brilliantly – there wasn’t a skip a start, a stutter at max settings. The people are well modeled, move realistically (the trailers made them look a little…
Back On The Trail
It felt good to get back on the bike today. It wasn’t the first time but it was the first real ride this season, in several seasons, really. Last week some time I had hooked up the bike trailer for the kid and we drove around a bit but we stuck to the pavement (for the most part) and apparently it was still “real bumpy”. So today I did an honest to goodness trek through the woods. Eased into the water drinking (I tend to get carried away and go too much / too cold too soon) regulated that well…