>lame – blogger stopped allowing ftp publishing so I was trying to find a way around it – not too much luck so far, looking into an alternate way. I’m sad I haven’t been able to publish anything lately, and don’t like that my text is no longer stored on my server. I’m going to try and get something going again, I’ve got lots to share, and facebook is very unpermanant for my tastes
Working Out Web Kinks
This is a new post to sit at the top of the page – wasn’t sure if I got this working again or not – in any case I’m going to try and parooze my facebook status to find some fill ins… way too much time has passed and this will be a large hole in my site. Hurt my left hand playing softball on Friday – work tomorrow ought to be interesting. this weekend got to go boating and then camping @ the orchard with Justin & Tracy
>Computer and General Stuff
>I know I’m going to regret trying to type something out on this laptop. I always hit the touchpad and sometimes even jump up and delete entire paragraphs if I’m not paying attention. In any case I’m writing this on my laptop because I didn’t include my northbridge (MCP) temp on my monitor when I was overclocking. I had pretty good CPU temps but the northbridge got heated up way too high when the computer decided to come out of sleep for whatever reason and sit there baking in a 90 degree room with no A/C turned on. Once I…
Scott Tower, Holyoke MA
We found this today – Scott Tower in Holyoke.We walked up the street through the park we normally go to and went up the road we normally don’t. We didn’t even know it was there, and yet it was such a huge part of the town back in the day. I’ve joined a group to help bring it back and I hope these pictures will help you to realize what an important project this is. Please join the cause to save Scott Tower and the park around it. If you ever have visted Mountain Park – think of it as…
Bruised, Salty, and Watery
Got another one I did over my birthday:Bruised, Salty, and Watery. Remix of a remix with an ode to the original – Chicane – Salt Water.
>Blogger go byebye
>I got an email the other day that blogger would no longer support FTP. That messes up my whole deal, anyone I ever set up. Myself, my business. my sister, all impacted and I either need to get some great content management system up in less then a month and a half or get some ajax going. Kind of lame for them to do this, they sayh it costs too much money but back in the day I gladly paid for Blogger. I’d gladly do it again but that’s no an option. They got bought, it’s been a couple years.…