Change Up

I need a refresh. This old skin is tight and restricting. I need to expunge. Putting this here so I remember to do it. There’s very little reason for this site anymore. There’s so much going on in the little facets of the web, no one wants to venture off their individual feed to read about anyone else for more than 280 characters these days. Gone are the one stop shops of individuals, everything about them in one place and leaping from person to person like a social gazelle. It’s been a while, but looking to change this all up…

>Blogger go byebye

>I got an email the other day that blogger would no longer support FTP. That messes up my whole deal, anyone I ever set up. Myself, my business. my sister, all impacted and I either need to get some great content management system up in less then a month and a half or get some ajax going. Kind of lame for them to do this, they sayh it costs too much money but back in the day I gladly paid for Blogger. I’d gladly do it again but that’s no an option. They got bought, it’s been a couple years.…


>So I’ve been playing with the links – you may have noticed. They still update automatically, but need to rewrite the scrolling code so it’s imbedded. I’m trying to rewrite anything iframe to javascript and get things to tie in a little better then the current section format. I’ve realized the blocks don’t really seem to go together but screen size has come a long way since my “throw compatability to the wind” 1024+ super-wide background. So content still flows here and there but lately it’s all about how to better present it. I’m in need of extending the text…

>The time has come! You too can shop for groceries online in Springfield MA!

>Peapod has taken forever to come to the area… it sucks because I would love to order my groceries online and then have them delivered. The next best thing to that is ordering online and picking them up. Well the time has come for online grocery shopping as Big Y has BigY2Go in Greenfield and Springfield (Walpole too but that’s all Boston-y). I was able to go through our entire grocery list and order. You can search, or go through by category and choose what you want in your order. The best part was that it not only shows you…

>Google Blog Gadget API

>I saw a link when I published for “add gadgets to your blog”I’m still using a template and I like i that way. I have my own ways of adding things to the page but I don’t have the time to do it. That’s why the scrolling links page has been a white box slapped on top of everything else for so long. I know what I want to do with it, but haven’t gotten around to it. In any case I thought Google’s new gadget APi looked like a pretty cool idea.


>I’m building a web site for my mom and practicing my Silverlight.What is Silverlight? It’s a JavaScript front end for VB. I can write limited VB and use it on the web, so all the stuff I’m familiar with how to do can be translated to a flash-like experience, animated, rich gui application (webpage). If you’re interested, check out the following:Silverlight introductionSilverlight Quick StartSilverlight ReferenceSilverlight Gallery

>Like seeing whats up with new sites, this was a fledgling service, and I was all on board with it, finally ponied up the dough and blam, they went mega (Yahoo bought them). This is what happened with Blogger (kinda) I had been using Blogger for a while and finally went pro – a few months went by and they decided to thank everyone who actually paid for Blogger with a free sweatshirt. I think they sent the same M size to everyone, but I’ve still got it and even occasionally wear it. Try it out, it’s pretty neat… and…

>New Web Project

>Here’s my latest web project. I’m doing it in trade, I get some electrial work (dishwasher circuit, gararge), and he gets a cool site for his Paintball event. It’ll also be a really cool addition to my web portfolio.