Some phenomenal hindsight of grunge, alternative rock, and how it became the very thing it stood against. I remember this year vividly. I was 15, at the height of my angst, and this caused me not only to re-live the period but it also provided a unique subtext I was completely oblivious to. On the radio, Goo Goo Dolls’ “Name” bled into Tonic’s “If You Could Only See” into Dishwalla’s “Counting Blue Cars” into The Verve Pipe’s “The Freshmen” into Matchbox Twenty’s “Push” in a watery bouillabaisse of quiet-loud-quiet song structures and sad-bro earnestness. This has to be the most…
>My Song
>So I was forwarded this little utility for finding random music. I’m still not sure of the full story behind it but I’ve tried typing in many a random song name and it found something. I’m not sure if it’s similar to what I searched for but it’s rather difficult to not have something come up. Hint: Try Song Name – Goose, no Author Also – I am posting this because I got it to turn out remotely how I wanted it to. I actually redid this one because the one I did last night didn’t involve MY NEW MIXER!…
>Larry Pierce
>Look for this musical artist: Larry Pierce Some tidbits: She licked my scrotum, she licked my scrotum,Now I don’t care about those letters… or who wrote ’em. —- There Ain’t Nothin’ Like a Good Hard Fuckin’ You can party all night and drink’n get tightYou can even do the doseedoebut there ain’t nothin’like a good hard fuckin —-