I need a refresh. This old skin is tight and restricting. I need to expunge. Putting this here so I remember to do it. There’s very little reason for this site anymore. There’s so much going on in the little facets of the web, no one wants to venture off their individual feed to read about anyone else for more than 280 characters these days. Gone are the one stop shops of individuals, everything about them in one place and leaping from person to person like a social gazelle. It’s been a while, but looking to change this all up…
>Swine Flu
>There’s a “swine flu pandemic” on the news, but the news has been looking for a good widespread disease to report on since mad cow. Bird Flu, Swine Flu… so far 150 cases of people actually dying from it. The (straight up, no frills) flu has killed over 15,000 this year and the swine flu makes the news. I don’t have the swine flu but I do have some odd type of sickness. I’ve been feverish for days with all the normal feverish stuff. I then take 1 ibuprofen, 200mg, and everything goes away. Normally when I have a bad…
>Beeceuticals Sues Bee Movie
>I guess Jerry and Co should have made sure no one else had the trademark on “Give Bees a Chance”. Beeceuticals had it first, sounds like really good stuff.