7 Disc! It’s taking a long time… but still faster than downloading. I think. 4/14/2015 *update* 16:38 *update* 17:30 *update* 19:44 4/15/2015 *update* 20:32 4/29/2015 *update* 23:56 – Added twitch link: twitch.tv/serinitism or click to watch embedded.
So far is been a good couple weeks playing RockSmith (RS). I came into it knowing nothing so the pick holding tutorial was right up my alley. It did not really touch on the fingers though, which is the current challenge. I expected to go through a tedious process of strumming one string at a time, learning basic cords, and otherwise simple maneuvers. I was pleasantly surprised when almost immediately it was encouraging me to try a song. The first few songs you try only use the E string, then the C string… keeping with the top 5 frets. Before…
Mortal Kombat X – Downloading Faction Data
All I’ve got so far out of Mortal Kombat X and it’s new “streaming install system” is this: Single player, crashed (closed w/o anything) Tutorial, crashed Fatality practice, crashed Faction Stuff — seems to be… loading? Check out the explanation from Steam on how this new process will work. Granted it’s only a half hour after it became decrypted. I had the 3G downloaded prior and on a whim decided to give it a shot before bed.