On tonight’s agenda was Dirt Rally. I got the email about the early access and had to jump on it. 10% extra off isn’t much but l loved everything they’ve dive since Grid. It was way underrated but DIRT really brought then front and center. Showdown was a good effort, it fell short but filed the demo Derby hole in my library for a while. Wreckfest (by Bugbear) is shaping up to be quite nice. They’re doing the same result access but they’ve got an entirely different genre of racing. DIRT Rally really does create the feeling of keeping your…
Installing Grand Theft Auto V (from disc)
7 Disc! It’s taking a long time… but still faster than downloading. I think. 4/14/2015 *update* 16:38 *update* 17:30 *update* 19:44 4/15/2015 *update* 20:32 4/29/2015 *update* 23:56 – Added twitch link: twitch.tv/serinitism or click to watch embedded.
So far is been a good couple weeks playing RockSmith (RS). I came into it knowing nothing so the pick holding tutorial was right up my alley. It did not really touch on the fingers though, which is the current challenge. I expected to go through a tedious process of strumming one string at a time, learning basic cords, and otherwise simple maneuvers. I was pleasantly surprised when almost immediately it was encouraging me to try a song. The first few songs you try only use the E string, then the C string… keeping with the top 5 frets. Before…
Mortal Kombat X – Downloading Faction Data
All I’ve got so far out of Mortal Kombat X and it’s new “streaming install system” is this: Single player, crashed (closed w/o anything) Tutorial, crashed Fatality practice, crashed Faction Stuff — seems to be… loading? Check out the explanation from Steam on how this new process will work. Granted it’s only a half hour after it became decrypted. I had the 3G downloaded prior and on a whim decided to give it a shot before bed.