Battlefield 4: Second Strike

So I don’t think I really got into the China Rising pack but here I have some observations on Second Strike Second Strike was released on Tuesday for Premium members on PC – this was the “XBOX Exclusive” level that was released first instead of China Rising. It contains 4 levels from previous versions and they’re ridiculously detailed. Operation Firestorm Operation Metro Gulf of Oman Caspian Border There is something to be said for adding a few bushes and rocks to otherwise familiar levels. In Operation Firestorm it turns the sandy expanse of open killing ground into a much more…

Emulation Nation

I spent much of today scouring the internet (it wasn’t that hard) for ROMs.  I have NES and SNES on lockdown, I believe I have 99% of the NES and maybe 85% of the SNES.  Choice Genesys, 32X and during my last ROM run a few months prior I even found Dreamcast and PSX.  I have all these systems, but they’re in storage, all nicely tucked away not taking up any actual room.  I’ve been wanting to play some older stuff but they’re so low bit being blown up to modern TV size doesn’t really make it any more visible.…

Titanfall not so much of a Titan.

Found this old unpublished post and wanted to get it out there. I did end up getting the full game for,y birthday after it came out because my son wanted to watch me play. ~~~~~~~~ Pre:release thoughts on the beta: I don’t feel like I was as impressed with Titanfall as I should have been. I think people are still going gaga for it, I haven’t checked in again to even see if the beta is still up and running. I played it a bit, I wanted to give it a fair shake but it really felt far too COD…