Crysis 2 – More Screenshots and Video

Here’s some more screenshots I took as well as my latest video. I’m splitting my time up between all the games, I like a nice spread out game experience. I ended up resuming the current spot after a single death. I figured it was time to go to sleep. As it turned out it was a fabulous place to pick back up, tons of action in about an hour’s worth of playtime.

Playstation Network (PSN) is Down

Things started on Thursday – I had just received my copy of Portal 2 from Amazon so it was especially inconvenient. I’ve since gotten many an achievement… who knows if they’ll show up on my account once it’s back online. It also means I can’t do multiplayer, which is just as well because my buddy Jay finished his single player campaign yesterday. I’ve got another 4 Chapters, and fairly stuck right now. So back to the actual outage – here’s what’s going down: Sony initially had some weird error popping up, they said online the servers were down for maintenance.…

Crystal Lite Pure Fitness Not Bad At All

I recently got some of this at Walmart at the suggestion of my wife. I hadn’t heard of it but she said it was free of artificial sweeteners, my biggest bane. I don’t often like to drink much water, so this seemed a good solution. It tasted good, and not overly sweet. I highly recommend it for anyone who needs to drink more water, doesn’t necessarily like straight water, and needs something cheaper then traditional tea/juice drinks. The Kiwi Strawberry that I had was slightly tart, slightly sweet, much like as if tasting a lightly ripened or just under-ripened strawberry……

Video: FLATOUT Ultimate Carnage Gameplay 2560 x 1600

Yes, I do love me some FlatOut. I’ve always been a fan of the demolition racer genre and this franchise has been the only hope I’ve had the last few years. It’s great, just smashing racing, you get nitro for busting up opponents and the various things around the tracks, hit something and you’ll probably bounce off it, hit something dead on and you go through the windshield. It’s a great arcade bash-em-up racer. Oh yeah, and they ALWAYS make a PC version… and I’ve purchased, paid money, moolah, the flimflam… wait… no… given money for all of them so…

Any Writers

I’m just wondering if there’s anyone one who’s looking for a central place to post stuff and/or editorials who doesn’t already have a site. If you’re interested in being able to submit links, etc – let me know I go by josh at the without the sub domain that hosts this blog. 😀

Video: Coachella Valley’s Music Festival – Live on YouTube this weekend

#CoachellaLive check out Coachella Music Festival – Live this Weekend Details / Schedule on the page surrounding the stream. It’s all very high quality and the music (right now) is questionable but there are a few others that look pretty cool on the bill. It looks like Sunday Channel 2 is the place to be: 4:00PM • Jack’s Mannequin 4:50PM • Jimmy Eat World 5:55PM • Fistful of Mercy 7:25PM • Duran Duran 8:35PM • Chromeo 9:45PM • PJ Harvey 11:05PM • She Wants Revenge I want to hear all of these bands… except the first one, I have no…

New Internets

It appears it takes something drastic for things to show up in google these days – bing, yahoo… whatever these newfangled internets are pointing you to. In any case I’ve been up and running for like 5 days now on and there is no mention in the searches of http;// perfectly fine, mind you… just wondering what it takes. So in an experimental fashion I am listing in my primary blog location that has been here for years… I hope it gets picked up before the URL submission just so I can say a ya ya eeeeee ho…

Crysis 2 Advanced Graphics Options unlocks higher resolution textures in PC game

Good old gamecopyworld – I found this file to unlock Advanced Graphics Options for Crysis 2 – including extreme textures, aha! It was hiding in there all along. Wow – just took it for a testdrive and I’m amazed. I’m also figuring why they didn’t release this to manufacture as is with the better textures. Here is my theory: They based all the collision code on the lower quality (console) textures, so where I have seen no clipping that I can recall (at least in singleplayer) I saw more in this 5 minute round of multiplayer with the increased textures.…

A State of Trance (ASOT) 500

Streaming live now! Watch live video from Revox on Some additional links while chillin in the chatoom: ~ check out the media sections for some sweet mixes