More proof that Ann Hathaway is awesome! read more | digg story
Hulu: Simpsons – Season 20 – Mypods and Boomsticks
Sure there is a tolerance and acceptence story line to this episode but I think the subplot of Apple-dom is a far better achievement! read more | digg story
Ferrari-badged super trike from Japan
Ever wanted to ride like Kaneda but worried about falling over? read more | digg story
What A Nigerian Facebook Scam Looks Like
Ever have an old friend start chatting you up on Facebook only to realize the dude clearly is a Nigerian scammer looking for a handout? Well, might as well have some fun, or even make a new friend, right? read more | digg story
US using Black Death plague to kill Al-Qaeda insurgents?
Black Death comes in various forms and was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history when it struck in the 1340s killing 75 million people across North Africa, Asia and Europe.The Black Death has reportedly killed at least 40 al-Qaeda operatives in North Africa. read more | digg story
Nvidia GeForce 3D Vision Review
3D technology from nVidia has been around a while… it’s just never been that great. This solution proves to be on par with previous , albeit with less of a headache. read more | digg story
Marriage, A Photo Essay
Are men all really the same? This guy claims so, and gives photographic evidence of the biggest issues. read more | digg story
Apple: Give Us Money And We’ll Remove DRM From Your Music
Apple has dropped DRM from iTunes — and is offering to remove their DRM from music you already bought for the low, low fee of $0.30 per song. read more | digg story
NIN releases 400gb of free HD concert footage via torrents!
A couple months ago Trent Reznor publicly sounded off about the difficulties he faced with his old record company that prevented him from filming a 3D concert film. Now he’s inviting fans to make their own DVD by offering over 400gb of raw HD concert footage free via NIN’s own torrent tracker. read more | digg story
Stunning photographs of landmark captured over six-months
The spectacular picture shows each phase of the sun over Bristol’s Clifton Suspension Bridge taken over a six month period.It plots the sun’s daily course as it rises and falls over Brunel’s famous structure, which spans the 702ft (214m) Avon Gorge. read more | digg story
Pocket Sized Vampire Hunting Kit
Well we’ve already seen a $15,000 full-sized vampire killing kit. But what if you want something smaller? You know, a little vampire protection that’ll fit in your pocket or man-purse? Enter the Vintage Pocket Sized Vampire Slaying Kit. read more | digg story
Video: The Corpus Clock
A beatiful true mechanical representation of time. The Corpus Clock from Corpus Chronophage on Vimeo. [read more] | [digg story]
Tiny Swiss Watch Found in 400 Year Old Chinese Tomb
Time traveler, well dressed undetectable grave robber? You decide! read more | digg story
Computer Land
So I’ve spent the weekend… well, I guess that could be extended to the past month, doing computer stuff. I placed the hardware order on December 31st (so I could include it in the business costs for 2008) and received them on the 7th or so. From there on it’s been computers, computers, computers. I upgrade my own to free up a power supply and memory for my new Media PC for the living room. I took all the old stuff I had and got a brand new media pc case for it all. It’s about the size (amazingly close…
>The time has come! You too can shop for groceries online in Springfield MA!
>Peapod has taken forever to come to the area… it sucks because I would love to order my groceries online and then have them delivered. The next best thing to that is ordering online and picking them up. Well the time has come for online grocery shopping as Big Y has BigY2Go in Greenfield and Springfield (Walpole too but that’s all Boston-y). I was able to go through our entire grocery list and order. You can search, or go through by category and choose what you want in your order. The best part was that it not only shows you…
>End of Fallout 3
>I beat Fallout 3 today – tried it ever which way to survive. Unfortunately the ending comes out almost the same, with a few changes here and there. I did it right the first time and then reloaded and went back to it. I reached level 20 and Max XP well before I got involved in the last battles of the game. All told it was great, story got even better and though it was slightly more linear towards the end I still really enjoyed it. I just heard the latest on the DLC which is coming out for both…
>Mixxy Mixxy
>Here are a few mixes I’ve done as of late:Anavan – The Perfect Sound (WijiX SoundOff Mix) [listen] The Veronicas – Untouched (WijiX Touché Mix) [listen] Lady Gaga – Just Dance (WijiX MiX) [listen] I also have a pretty awful session [listen] where I started playing with my new XSessionPro. It’s the first time I’ve been able to mix between two MP3s… now if I only had a second audio card on the laptop so I could listen to the cue.
Feeling Better
I wanted to note that I’m feeling pretty good now. A weekend of relaxing and eating did me wonders and I’ve been careful to posture properly at work to reduce undue need for a backeeotomy. We spent almost new years at Jen and Matt’s, ate some ribs, played some wii and then got home in time to see the big sparkly thing… forget what it was but it was sponsored by Nivea.