Things We Do to Windows In the Dark

I am a settings fiddler. I’m constantly optimizing, but there are a few things I do every time I face a new windows install. I figured I’d include some here to keep track of them and maybe help someone out in the process who might not know about some of these. 1.) Data drive – Always keep a separate data drive.  This used to be a partition of the main drive, one for the operating system, and one for the data.  This helps because Windows doesn’t always live forever, at least it didn’t used to but the latest UEFI booting…

Customize the Logon, Logoff, and Shutdown Sounds in Windows 10

Windows has always allowed to you to customize different alert sounds from the Control Panel, but it remove your ability to customize a few of them in Windows 8—particularly the sounds for logon, logoff, and shutdown. Here’s how to change them. Source: Customize the Logon, Logoff, and Shutdown Sounds in Windows 8 Yeah — it’s windows 8 but it’s needed for Windows 10 too.  I couldn’t remember, but knew it was possible.  Why do they even hide it?  It’s not like there’s a proprietary “windows start” sound… unless you want to go all retro ’95 with the Rolling Stones, though…

Video: IGN – Battlefield Tips

I watched this prepared to be all snarky but it had some good info… for people who have never played Battlefield before. It does bring up a good point about not getting in the helis/jets if you don’t know how to fly them. It’s just common courtesy. In any case if you’re wondering why you keep getting kicked, or want to point some noobs in the right direction, check this out: More Battlefield 3 (Limited Edition %2D%2D Physical Warfare Pack) Videos