Video: BioShock Infinite – False Shepherd Trailer and PC Graphics

False Shepherd Trailer It’s cute they use the console graphics for the trailer, just makes me whet even more for it on PC. I relish a good story, good graphics, mechanics, and voice acting and await this game with baited breath. Chris Kline technical director at Irrational Games: “Playing the PC version on Medium settings is fairly close to the console version, though higher quality in a few areas. As you go up from there to the High, Very High, and Ultra settings the difference is enormous. The PC version ships on three discs, as opposed to one for consoles,…

Battlefield 3: End Game live now for PC!

Motorbikes are fun, shift to pull a wheelie – fly over most things. They’re like the ATVs except you can lean, and jump… so they’re fun. I was about to outmaneuver a heli for 4 missle loads, doing jumps and circles around the flag – so if you’re aware and deft with the fingers you can be quite wily. I do think including 2 of the levels from Aftermath was a bit of a cop-out – but they’re good levels. So far I’ve seen the railyard, snowy pipeline area, and maybe one other capture the flag map. Not bad, though…

Movie Review: Flight

Hubris. It describes the protagonist, the antagonist, the obstacle and the resolution. Ok – so maybe not the resolution. I was not a fan of the secular point of view, primarily because I could identify with it. I’m familiar with the perspective. The perspective of someone receiving religious comments, even advice. I felt those words as if they were directly to me. They collided inside my head from both sides with a metallic clang, and then to the floor with another. Catharsis is thick, and since that’s one of the only English words I remember… it must be it. “A…