Things Are Good!

It’s been a while but wanted to do a positive update! I got through the financial issues I was having thanks to the federal stimulus. I even bought my car off lease so no more car payments! The past year has been something, but I’m fully vaccinated now and we’re just starting to get out into the world again. Of course the kids still can’t get theirs but it won’t be long until it’s only 2 out of 3. I’ll plan to add more later…


“I’m starting to think ‘Hindsight is 20/20’ was a warning for our future” It’s been bad. Mainly with the Covid. It’s a weird world it there. It’s got an effect, a blanket, on (almost) everyone. Things are quieter, despite having to speak up to be heard behind a mask. I’m currently without power just seeping electrons into substance. I needed an update, there ought to be something said about it. I feel repetitive, the same days over and over, I leave once a week to go to the grocery store. I can’t describe the difference in feeling in the world…

Change Up

I need a refresh. This old skin is tight and restricting. I need to expunge. Putting this here so I remember to do it. There’s very little reason for this site anymore. There’s so much going on in the little facets of the web, no one wants to venture off their individual feed to read about anyone else for more than 280 characters these days. Gone are the one stop shops of individuals, everything about them in one place and leaping from person to person like a social gazelle. It’s been a while, but looking to change this all up…

Thoughts While AFK

If I want to listen to Paranoid Android, why Spotify, would I want to listen to Interpol. You should know my age by now.  No, bad Spotify! Also music related, has Pitbull purchased stock in makers of Fireball whiskey? It’s become a thing and then I hear his song which makes me wonder which came first. The song even breaks down”we are bringing it back”  …or maybe he invested in Prilosec. One of the side effects of not only the night of ill repute (6/4-6/5) but the afternoon of attempted mitigation (6/7) was poison ivy/something. I know what to look…

Back On The Trail

It felt good to get back on the bike today. It wasn’t the first time but it was the first real ride this season, in several seasons, really. Last week some time I had hooked up the bike trailer for the kid and we drove around a bit but we stuck to the pavement (for the most part) and apparently it was still “real bumpy”. So today I did an honest to goodness trek through the woods. Eased into the water drinking (I tend to get carried away and go too much / too cold too soon) regulated that well…

Sum Sum Summa Time

It is days like this that remind me that summer is just as much a gaming season as winter. I avoid the polarization and increase my gaming repertoire. There are several new titles as of late, and I have played a few of them. Here are my general impressions: Diablo III – Yes, you’ve heard it bandied about. It’s set the record and beyond. If you don’t have it, a friend does – 3.5 million on the first day and that does NOT include the 1.2 million Blizzard drummed up with their WoW promotion, NOR the millions in the Korean…

What’s New

I’m blown away by this power, I can seamlessly integrate all my tiny little portals of interaction, bookmarking, favorites, and otherwise unconnected stuff and put it all right here. I’ve got my twitter, my digg, my youtube favorites (I also have my user page but I pretty much post anything on here I figure is worth it) anything that I ever give a thumbs up to on the internet is here. I am still working on a way to add my scrolling links but it’s kind of impractical without a larger space to drop it. Since most of the links…

[Link] Glass2k.exe

>Here is a link to a cool thing. [02:40am] Is Richard Prior dead? [Update 8/8/2013] I went looking for this little utility. It still works in Windows 8! That’s some solid coding right there, and it’s only written in VB6.