The Gooey Incident 1

Originally drafted 2004 07 03 – leads to the other draft >Carletta yelled at me tonight. She seemed increasingly pissed. When she first picked up the brush in her room she said 8 dollars, then by the time she was washing it off she said it was 40 dollars. I’m sure I’d estimate high if it were me too… and that’s something you just can’t wash away so I understand. (though I’m trying my best with the “Se7ens” jeans =]~ ) Yeah, a good batch by a drunk Josh — and I couldn’t tell ya what happened. Sat down on…

The Gooey Incident 2

Originally drafted 2004 07 03 – again, we seem to have several entries that all tie into the same incident >I made a big kahooie. There was this thing with a big mess and my drunken-self, and things I ruined because of it… very expensive things. Whats a guy to do, I need to make good on it – live up to it. I’m trying my best to make it better but after apolgizing and sending a letter of recognition of my stupidness I still get this mad vibe. I can live with that, but when it starts getting confusing…

They Gooey Incident 3 – previously “The Downward Spiral”

Originally drafted 2004 07 09 – same issue first look at my head not turning itself off and prognosticating what was to come >All I can think about is this crap with Carletta. I don’t know where this will stop, it certainly keeps going in my head. If she causes Allison to move out, I’m finished. Unless I can get someone else to live here I’m going to have to move out if both of them move out. I don’t have any friends left if they’re all mad at me and there’s only Scott living here. I think Scott would…

The Gooey Incident 4

Orignally drafted on 2004 07 14 – not published due to the sensitivity of the emotional turmoil. It would have actually made the situation worse, so I withheld it. Still keeping this in draft for a while… >Carletta just popped in, like a tornado just pops in. She grabbed her Futon, who knows where she’s headed. I’d figure to Ren’s house but wonder if she’s giving the bed to Allen. She seemed to make a pivitol decision once Allen came back. He was there that night at Alibis. He helped her move the futon. Ren would never help her do…