Working Out Web Kinks

This is a new post to sit at the top of the page – wasn’t sure if I got this working again or not – in any case I’m going to try and parooze my facebook status to find some fill ins… way too much time has passed and this will be a large hole in my site. Hurt my left hand playing softball on Friday – work tomorrow ought to be interesting. this weekend got to go boating and then camping @ the orchard with Justin & Tracy

Still Have Time

>There is still time, they’ve extended the deadline, unfortunately this led to my sister’s business being without email for a half a day. I had sent her an email when renewal for her domain was coming up and she said “oh I’m just going to go with this free one” ok, sure… guess things aren’t going that well, go ahead and use the free site. Well, when it expired, sure enough I get a call “my email isn’t working”. Huh, yeah, didn’t think of the email aspect “If I told you email was included would that have changed your mind?…

Rainy Morning

I woke early this morning, a cold rainy November day. It wasn’t out of preference, there’s a big change to the phone system at work today. It was still very dark, cold, and I could hear the rain pouring down outside. I didn’t have to go into the office, which is great, a much better way to do work on the Saturday. Besides, making important business decisions in pajamas and disheveled hair always makes me feel good. I’m scheduled to stop by Bryans to assist with the brew today and hoping we can resolve this issue in enough time to…

Gavin pt 1

Those 4 days went by slowly. I went to work on Monday but that night had Nicole feeling very anxious about the baby’s arrival. I worked from home on Tuesday expecting we’d be going in at any time but I worked through the entire day without much incident. Nicole was tired, very pregnant and a couple days past her due date so anything seemed like it could be the time. We went food shopping because we finally had to. We had been avoiding because we didn’t want things to spoil if we had the baby and didn’t get back to…

Baby Baby Baby (I Know I Drive You Crazy)

So the baby is on the way, 4 days until the due date. The baby’s room is finished, floor sanded, resealed, walls painted, and furnished. Nicole and I both wanted a braided rug as we both have fond memories of racing matchbox cards along the braids. It’s a built in racing track. I remember setting up my blocks in a track shape and using the braids as built in lanes. We settled on a nice braided cloth one from Thorndike Mills in Palmer. I’d say they’re the de facto manufacturer of braided rugs mainly because they are the only ones…

Counting Down

The baby is coming in two months (give or take) and I’m feeling a bit… stressed?I’m excited for the actual situation, but how I’m going to turn everything around in that short of time is a bit daunting. I have until the beginning of July to finish everything for school. Once class is done and I think I’m in good shape there but the other one I’ve fallen quite a bit farther behind. I’m just starting on a paper that should have been done a week or two ago and I don’t even know where to start. We’ve got the…