>Our Song

>I heard this song a while back, I thought it was perfect but kept thinking we wouldn’t be able to dance to it. It actually keeps a fairly slow beat, though it’s a bit harder then normal mushy wedding songs. I don’t want this to be a normal mushy wedding though, cause I don’t feel that way, I’m much more real in my feelings for Nicole. I appreciate that she came along and I’ve changed my life quite a bit for the better because of her influence and support. I’ve grown a great deal since we met, she was able…

>Big Update

>So the opposite of not much happening has been happening – I’m wishing now I kept up on the posting. I’m going to have a hole in the whole “just got my first house” period. Most of the reason I keep a blog is for my own recollection. It’s not very good on it’s own, so throw a couple pictures and paragraphs together and I have a much better recollection. Just this weekend:– friday ~ I had off to get a tooth pulled. I actually had the gas/IV and it was awesome. It was considered “a luxery” by my insurance,…