Alan Touring

It’s cheesy that it was the movie that got me wanting to learn more, but I finally got the book from the library and have been dredging through it up until today when I finally got to page 100 where they start to describe the entire premise behind his machine to perform mathematical operations. To say it is facinating is an understatement, I am enthrawled. The fact that anyone can come up with this theory, granted based on previous theories, boggles my mind. It also enables me to see the very lowest level of computing. I look forward to writing…

Almost 2 Months Down

…ad infinitum to go. Today has been excruciatingly difficult. It’s been a busy week — celebrating the actual birthdays on Wed and Thu, making sure the parts for the swing set all arrived on time (picking up the big one from the shipping company directly), assembly of said swing set, a setback in group therapy, cleaning and generally getting ready for the kids’ party. I’ve been a bundle of nerves today. I was able to get a brief reprieve with an online SMART meeting and playing catch with G using his new glove. I can’t believe it’s been this many…