Originally drafted 2004 05 23:

>Went out to Framingham last night for Tracy’s 21st birthday.

It was quite the experience.

The original plan was to check out the strip club, then the club club, then maybe a few bars. I don’t think Justin allocated enough time in the night. Tracy’s friend Jen was with her when they arrived home from shopping. Tracy had grabbed a new outfit from Deb, or Rave, or one of those stores. When she came out, she was all popping out and I said something about it.

“Thats how she likes it” – Justin said, Tracy kind of beamed.

“I’ve got the body, might as well show it.”

– I suppose. I try and dress as sexy as possible, without being OOMPH. That works for her though, she looks good in it =]

Tracy’s friend Jen was blonde, reminded me of the other Jen’s I know. They just seem to have a quality about them. At any rate it wasn’t Jen I was looking at — it was Rachel. Somewhat tall, curly hair, and white sweater thing with feathery boofy cuffs and collar. It was, again, a bit more then I’m used to… but she pulled it off.

When we got there, I sat where there was room, which ended up being next to Rachel. There were really only 2 single girls in the group, so the fact that I ended up next to Rachel when Jen was sitting next to Tracy wasn’t too much of a stretch. It was welcomed though, once I got a drink in me and we sat along the runway — I was golden.

At first it was Justin, me, Justin’s friend, Rachel, then Jen… after a while Justin’s friend went with Jen to another part of the runway, and Rachel moved over to fill in the gap. I did my best to talk to her, but with the quality of conversation I was able to convey in my increasingly drunken state I wasn’t expecting much of a response. There was just a moment at some point, when I went over to see what Tracy and Rachel were up to at the bar. They were trying to get the bartenders attention — the girls ended up getting me to take a Kamakazi after I protested briefly about the yaeger. I welcomed the attention, though — so it was worth the shot… besides, I couldn’t get all that drunk from one shot, and I wasn’t going to buy another shot anyhow.

So when we sat down, Rachel made sure to snuggle right up to me, and thus it began. She’d put bills in front of me, I’d put bills in front of her, ended up buying beers for us both. She then gets up about a half hour after that and comes back with two more shots. We did those as it was now clear we were going to be here for the rest of the night, no driving to the club as it was half hour away. Understandably far away when you’re already having fun and a little sideways 😉

Things got interesting — she heard a good song, started dancing in her seat. I did the same. We noted the fact that we were dancing while sitting, but neither of us seemed to care. As we danced more, we got closer, hands moved… hips moved closer, and then the bouncer is coming over telling her to make sure I keep my hands above her waist. Not normally an unreasonable request, but we were both all worked up. From the nekkid girls to the sexy lights and music… we were quite the little chair-dancers.

I made sure Rachel came in Justin’s car on the way back, Justin’s friend hopped in the other car. (Thanks dude :] )

We were snuggling, but she seemed a little retracted, but I suppose thinking about the bouncer asking us to cool off, could have done it. I tried to be sweet, she wasn’t having it. I figure she was probably embarassed. From what Justin told me after the fact, she was as much of a virgin as you can have at 21. I’m sure she did all the technicalities, but I’m expecting there were difficulties.

So we lay on the couch snuggling, both drunk to the world…

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